Title: "2007 Washington DC Wizards Team Autographed Basketball - Signed by Oleksiy Pecherov, Limited Edition Collectible" Description: This 2007 Washington DC Wizards team autographed basketball is a rare find for basketball memorabilia collectors and Wizards fans alike. Hand-signed by Oleksiy Pecherov and other team members, this limited edition collectible showcases the spirit of the 2007 season. While there is no game use, the basketball remains a valuable piece of history from the Wizards franchise. Key Features: - Rare 2007 Washington DC Wizards team autographed basketball - Hand-signed by Oleksiy Pecherov and other team members - Limited edition collectible item - Ideal for basketball memorabilia collectors and Wizards fans - Piece of history from the 2007 NBA season - Perfect for display or as a special gift - Authenticity guaranteed - No game use, pristine condition